Kanyakumari District
Mathur Aqueduct is about 50 km from kanyakumari.
Route: Kanyakumari -----> Nagercoil ----->Thuckalay ----->
Azghiamandapam -----> Mathur Thottipalam
A Sign board showing the way to Aqueduct which is the longest
and highest of its kind in South Asia
Entrance Arch
Constructed in 1966 by the late Chief Minister of Tamilnadu,
K. Kamaraj, as a drought relief measure across the river Pahrali.
Its purpose is to carry water for irrigation from an elevated level
of one hill to another. The irrigation water feeds the taluks of
Vilavancode and Kalkulam.
Water flowing through the trough
Very Interesting
Anyway this is a famous place in kanyakumari district, this was not maintained as a tourist spot by GOVT OF TAMILNADU... The transportation to this spot is really too bad... Nearly 2 govt buses and 1 mini bus service is there... My suggestion is if this spot is with the GOVT OF KERALA as before (1/11/1956)... This tourist place will become a good one.....
is this area is safe for childs & ladies? How the securitys are? Is there any police control for safe? Because, y im asking this means, last time i visit this place. Some drunken peoples are misusing this area like teasing the womens. My wish is, we must need police force to control here..
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